5DNC is a certified vibe documentary.
5DNC is a BlueprintNC fellow/grantee.
Welcome to the official website of 5Dnc.org. Our first project is a documentary about content creators who raise the level of consciousness with their work, for those who vibrate on a higher echelon and for those who share - ART THAT ELEVATES

Many are called but the chosen are few. 5Dnc.org brings together the chosen.
The members of the creative class who are driven by imagination to manifest visions.
We dare to share our concepts of music, visual arts, dance, multi-media, writing and so much more.
Our product is the engine of culture. Our work saves lives if no one but ourselves.
We hold the power to shift change to a sustainable future that includes us all.
If you found us, its because we’re looking for you too.
Click on the Get in Touch page and let us know.